Farmworker Poverty, the Campaign for Fair Food... and YOU
Meghan Cohorst
Mon Jan 24, 06-07:30pm, 1-150
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 21-Jan-2011
Single session event
Florida tomato pickers are among the country's most exploited workers. They earn sub-poverty wages, are denied basic labor rights like overtime pay and sick days, and have no right to organize in order to change these conditions. In the most extreme conditions, workers are held in situations of modern-day slavery.
For over a decade, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers have been organizing to improve wages and working conditions for Florida tomato pickers. Through their Campaign for Fair Food, they have reached agreements with nine food industry leaders who have committed to working together with workers to improve farmworkers' lives. Today, the CIW and its allies are calling on supermarket giants like Stop & Shop to take similar responsibility. Join us to learn more about farmworkers, their campaign, and how you can get involved!
Dinner provided if RSVP to by Friday, Jan 21.
Contact: Anahita Maghami,
Sponsor: Amnesty International
Latest update: 14-Jan-2011