5 Things You Need to Know Before You Join A Startup
Tian He'07
Thu Jan 27, 05:30-06:30pm, 4-237
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Single session event
What is startup life really like? How do I prepare for it? Should I do it right out of school? Am I throwing away my life?
There are a million questions that can go through your head when you are thinking about joining/starting an early-stage startup. But if you know these 5 things, then you can answer most of them.
Explore the 5 laws to a great startup experience with someone who has worked in academia, engineering, finance, and is now running a startup. At the end of this hour-long session, you'll have the tools you need to know if that next startup is the one for you.
We'll cover need-to-knows and leave 15 minutes for question and answers. Send questions in advance to tian.he@gojee.com
This class is useful for anyone interested in startups! Please pre-register using the link below and submit any questions for the speaker.
Web: https://alum.mit.edu/smarTrans/public/Register.dyn?eventID=51721&groupID=194
Contact: Tian He'07, tian.he@gojee.com
Sponsor: Alumni Association
Latest update: 20-Jan-2011