07:30 AM
Adult Efficient Freestyle- Mon/Thu Morning (to 08:15 AM) Z Center
08:00 AM
Morning Meditation (to 09:00 AM) Bexley - Room 101
09:00 AM
Conceptual Design in Autodesk Revit Architecture Workshop (to 04:00 PM) 10-401
Institute Diversity Summit 2011 (to 04:00 PM) E14-6th floor
Introduction to Stata (Statistical Software) (to 12:00 PM) 1-115
Volunteer Consulting Group Project Location unavailable
10:00 AM
Build a Small Radar System Capable of Sensing Range, Doppler, and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging (to 12:00 PM) 56-114
Build a Small Radar System! Cancelled
FT-IR Microspectroscopy at CMSE (to 01:00 PM) 13-2137
Facing Love & Relationships (to 01:00 PM) E51-145
Income Inequality in America (to 11:00 AM) 8-205
Individual Consultations at the Writing and Communication Center (to 03:00 AM) 12-120
Technical, Scientific, and Professional Communication: Designing Writing Assignments (to 11:30 AM) 12-134
10:30 AM
Introduction to Inverse Methods (to 12:00 PM) 54-317
11:00 AM
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Workshops: Virtual Cities of the Future and the Past (to 12:00 PM) 4-231
MITing of the Minds 2011 7th Annual MIT Philosophy Alumni Conference (to 06:00 PM) 32-D461
Practically Genomic (to 01:00 PM) 14N-132
StarCraft 2 Map Editing (to 03:00 PM) NE25-311
12:00 PM
Better Teaching @ MIT: Tech's Top Teachers Talk Turkey (to 01:00 PM) 2-190
Monitoring Your Portfolio (to 01:00 PM) W20-306; 20 Chimneys
Pre-Masters: An Introduction to Swim Workouts- Mon/Thu Afternoon (to 01:00 PM) Alumni Pool
RECYCLING CULTURE: Waste as a Creative Medium (to 03:00 PM) W20-4th fl.Student A
Recycling Culture: Waste as Creative Medium (to 03:00 PM) W20-431
The Feynman Films: Take the World from Another Point of View (to 01:00 PM) 6-120
The Out-of-Africa Hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity, and Comparative Economic Development (to 01:00 PM) E52-244
Women in the Sciences: Challenges and Opportunities in the Workplace (to 01:30 PM) Coffeehouse, W20
12:30 PM
Introduction to R (Statistical Software) (to 03:30 PM) 1-115
12:45 PM
Being an Economics Professor in a Business School (to 02:00 PM) E62-550
01:00 PM
Mobile Devices and Support at MIT (to 03:00 PM) 32-155
Pleasures of Poetry: Beowulf: highlights (to 02:00 PM) 14E-304
Web Application Capture the Flag Competition Cancelled
01:30 PM
Designing Your Life (to 04:30 PM) E51-145
MIT Physics Lecture Series:gExoplanets and the Search for Habitable Worlds (to 02:30 PM) 6-120
Pursuing an Academic Career While Starting a Family: Work-Life Balance Issues (to 03:30 PM) 4-149
02:00 PM
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Workshops: Using Elevation Data and Hydrographic Tools in a GIS (to 04:00 PM) DIRC (14N-132)
Making the Most of Your Presentation (to 04:00 PM) 32-123
Mechanics ReView (to 04:00 PM) 26-152
What Employers Look for- Interviewing for Bio/Pharma Positions (to 03:00 PM) 4-231
02:30 PM
POWER SYSTEMS ECONOMICS IN THEORY/-IES AND IN REAL LIFE: Did you say “Market”?… (How) Does it (really) work for electricity (to 04:00 PM) E52-175
03:00 PM
Brazilian Culture: from National to Transnational identities (to 05:30 PM) 14N-217
Is There Life After Being a Materials Postdoc at MIT? (to 06:00 PM) Room 34-401
Play StarCraft 2 (to 05:00 PM) NE25-311
Teaching Careers and Opportunities (to 04:30 PM) 2-105
04:00 PM
Introduction to Oil Painting (to 06:30 PM) W20-427
04:45 PM
Service for One, cup and plate (to 07:15 PM) W20-431
05:00 PM
Bluespec (to 06:00 PM) 1-115
In Vino Veritas (to 08:00 PM) 6-104, Chipman Room
RefWorks Basics (to 06:00 PM) 14N-132 (DIRC)
05:15 PM
Introduction to Shotokan Karate (to 07:00 PM) W31-225
05:30 PM
Adult Intro to Swimming Basics - Mon/Thu evening (to 06:15 PM) Z Center
Beyond Stereotypes and Biased Plots: Learning How to Critically Watch Film and Television in the 21st Century: Introduction to Central Ideas of the Series and Part One of the Issues of Race/Cultural Representation (to 08:00 PM) 2-105
Pre-Natal Swim Course - Monday Evening (to 06:15 PM) Alumni Pool
The Reason for God - free dinner and discussion: Why Does God Allow Suffering? (to 07:15 PM) email for location
06:00 PM
Building East Asian Musical Instruments: Construction of East Asian Musical Instruments Cancelled
Career Development Crash Course (to 08:00 PM) 50-005
Farmworker Poverty, the Campaign for Fair Food... and YOU (to 07:30 PM) 1-150
Harry Potter Year 7: Hogwarts Under Siege (to 12:00 PM) Varies
Oriental Instrument Workshop Location unavailable
Pre-Masters: An Introduction to Swim Workouts- Mon/Wed Evenings (to 07:00 PM) Alumni Pool
Workshop in building East Asian Musical Instruments Cancelled
06:15 PM
Adult Beginning Swim - Mon/Wed Evening (to 07:15 PM) Z Center
06:30 PM
DIY Design: Screen Printing (to 09:00 PM) W20-427
The Life and Death of John Carpenter: A Film Symposium: Big Trouble in Little China (to 09:30 PM) 32-155
07:00 PM
Go Workshop/Meetings (to 10:00 PM) W20, PDR 1/2
Introduction to Contract Bridge (to 09:30 PM) 4-149
Introduction to Gum Bichromate Printing - soup to nuts (to 09:00 PM) W20-426
Isshinryu karate-do (to 09:00 PM) m57-168/170
Japanese 101 (to 09:00 PM) 1-273
07:15 PM
Adult Intermediate Swim- Mon/Wed Evening (to 08:15 PM) Z Center
07:30 PM
MIT Ballroom Dance IAP Workshops: Tango (to 09:00 PM) Lobdell
Monday Beginning Clay Cancelled
Monday Introduction to Clay (to 10:00 PM) W20-431
08:00 PM
Learning Squash: the Fundamentals (to 09:00 PM) Zesiger Center
09:00 PM
Introduction to American Jiu Jitsu Self Defense (to 11:00 PM) DuPont Wrestling Roo