Creativity: It's All In Your Head
Ruth Levitsky, Toastmasters@MIT, Cherylle Garnes, Ariela Marshall, Gustavo Garcia Barragan, Janet Johnson, David Marshall
Sat Jan 28, 09:30am-12:30pm, E51-145
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Limited to 50 participants.
Single session event
Everyone is born with a creative spark. However, in North America most people stop being creative by the third grade. In this interactive team presentation you will learn tips, techniques and games to sharpen, enhance and spark your creativity in all areas of your life. These tips and techniques are connected to the seven intelligences of Dr. Howard Gardner. Expect to learn something new and have fun while doing it.
The Creativity Integrators were Toastmasters who branched out into this field in 2003. They come from all walks of life.
To help us plan for handouts, please sign up at Anyone is welcome to attend whether they register or not, though.
Contact: Ruth Levitsky, E52-252, x3-3399,,
Sponsor: Toastmasters@MIT
Cosponsor: Economics
Latest update: 23-Jan-2012