Bang Your Head! - Heavy Metal 101
Jeffrey Pearlin
Wed Jan 18, Thu Jan 26, 05:30-07:30pm, 14N-217
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Signup by: 27-Jan-2012
Repeating event. Participants welcome at any session
This is not metallurgy! Nor is it rocket science! This is HEAVY METAL! Deal with it.
Six years strong, this crash course in all things Heavy Metal will have you Head Banging, Air Guitaring, and Devil Horn Raising in no time! Learn everything you ever wanted to know about Heavy Metal, including who’s awesome, who isn’t, why louder DOES mean better, and so much more!
This 2-hour seminar covers the following topics: origins and history; iconography; why Judas Priest rules; why Metallica used to; why Ballads are, and always have been, lame; and why Lemmy IS God. We’ll watch some video clips, look at metal culture, and, of course, listen to some SCREAMING HEAVY METAL! We'll cover everything you ever wanted to know about Heavy Metal!
So, if you think that Poison is Heavy Metal, that umlauts have no place in the English language, and can't tell the difference between Black Sabbath and Bon Jovi (Hell, if you think Bon Jovi is listenable, for that matter), then you can't afford to miss this class. This is guaranteed to be the most BRUTAL class ever offered at MIT!
Contact: Jeffrey Pearlin, 14N-329B, 253-9776,
Sponsor: Jeffrey W Pearlin, 14N-329B, 617 253-9776,
Latest update: 28-Nov-2011