IBM Herat, Afghanistan Development Project
Keith Van Leeuwen
Mon Jan 9, Mon Jan 30, 01-05:00pm, 2-142
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 25 participants.
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: Must attend the kick-off (1/9) & the wrap-up (1/30).
Keith Van Leeuwen, other IBM guest lecturers
Learn about the field of consulting by working on development projects, which create real impact! Come join IBM consultants and create an IT innovation hub in Herat, Afghanistan by connecting venture capitalists with university students and start-ups in the area to rebuild the local economy. We are looking for students to act as business analysts to create business plans and technical advisors to sharpen technical skills of local students in Afghanistan to make the innovation hub sustainable. Attendance mandatory at the kick-off and wrap-up sessions.
2-142 is reserved on Tuesday, 1/17 and 1/24 from 1-2:30 p.m. for the group to work on the project.
Please register via the link below.
Contact: Elena Byrne, W98-200, (617) 252-1143,
Sponsor: Alumni Association
Latest update: 06-Dec-2011