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IAP 2012 Activity

MIT Hummus Experience
Eliad Shmuel
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)

The MIT Hummus Experience began in 2008. In 2009 and 2010, it was the highlight of MIT's IAP (Independent Activities Period). It might be the health trend or just pure curiosity which brings hundreds of people to the “Hummus Taste Off,” a competition where professors and students have to rank different hummus brands and student creations by aroma, taste and texture.

The “Hummus Taste Off” is only the first shot for a month of “hummus experiences”; we have two hummus classes and a tour to a local hummus factory.

During IAP, we will again have a number of hummus-based events, as the Hummus Experience reflects the fun and exploratory spirit of MIT’s intersession. We did very well last year, and this year we want to do even better!

All we are saying is "give chickpeas a chance."
Web: http://hummus.mit.edu/
Contact: Eliad Shmuel, (617) 253-2982, hummus@mit.edu
Sponsor: Hillel
Cosponsor: MIT - Israel

Hummus 101
Ethan Sokol
Workshop participants will learn the secrets of making hummus from George Kirby '79, who is well-known in greater Boston for his delicious homemade dips. This is a hands-on workshop with take-away results. Bonus - Spice it up by preparing an exotic Yemenite hot sauce (Zhug).
Tue Jan 10, 07-09:00pm, W11

Make Your Own Hummus
Eliad Shmuel
Put together a team with an idea of what flavor you would like to make. We will provide you with the basic recipe, which you can adapt to your liking using both traditional and funky ingredients (please include any specific ingredients with your rsvp). All entries will be held for the Taste Off the next day and will be judged by the entire MIT Community!
Great prize for the winning recipe!
RSVP required.
Wed Jan 18, 07-09:00pm, TBD

The Annual Hummus Taste Off
Eliad Shmuel
Vote for the best home-made hummus at MIT. Help choose the best hummus at MIT's annual "made from scratch" hummus taste-off! Participate in a blind tasting of hummus made by fellow students. Be dazzled by the variations in flavor and texture. We promise free hummus and pita, give aways, and much more.
Thu Jan 19, 12-01:30pm, Lobby 10, More hummus in the Bush Room

Hummus Tour
Molly Schneider
Touring a hummus factory is like walking into a Mediterranean "wonderland": oceans of chickpeas, mountains of hummus, rivers of olive oil, and warm pita for dipping... The MIT community also experiences the engineering feats behind production. RSVP is required using our the following form:
Space is limited!
Wed Jan 25, 01-05:30pm, Upon rsvp
Latest update: 17-Jan-2012

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 7 Sept. 2011