Build Your Own Electric Guitar
John Armstong Harvard School of Public Health
Tue Jan 10, 06-08:00pm, W20 PDR#3 Thu Jan 12, Tue Jan 17, 09-11:00am, W31-031 Hobby Shop Tue Jan 17, 06-08:00pm, W20 PDR#3 Thu Jan 19, 09-11:00am, W31-031 Hobby Shop
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 16-Dec-2011
Limited to 5 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: MIT student and Hobby Shop membership
Fee: 350.00 for Guitar Parts and materials
Students in the class will build their own solid-body, bolt-on neck electric guitar or bass using a system of router templates that are easy to use and give high-quality results. The types of instruments available include Stratocaster and Telecaster-style guitars and a Precision-style bass. The process begins with a required meeting with the instructor in December to select instrument type, body and fretboard wood. When class commences in January, students will transform a prepared body blank into a completed body, ready to accept a pre-made neck and other quality components. In December, students must be prepared to provide a check, payable to the Hobby Shop, for the total amount of their instrument. All materials, parts, and supplies except for strings are included in the cost (Stratocaster-style guitar, $375; Telecaster style guitar, $350; Precision-style bass, $325). No prior skills are needed for this class. 3 hours shop time each week besides class will be needed to complete the instrument. REGISTRATION ON A FIRST PAID BASIS
Contact: Hayami Arakawa, W31-031, x3-4343,
Sponsor: Hobby Shop
Latest update: 21-Nov-2011