Practically Genomic
Charlie Whittaker, Paola Favaretto, Sebastian Hoersch, Courtney Crummett
Mon Jan 23, Wed Jan 25, Fri Jan 27, 11am-01:00pm, 14N-132
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 20 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Genomics, microarrays, and next generation sequencing have made biology research a highly quantitative field. As a result, most biologists must master computers and computational methods to effectively carry out their research. These sessions are designed to introduce students to some of the computational and bioinformatics tools and methods mandated by modern biological research. Practical and hands-on examples will be used to demonstrate some powerful aspects of the Unix operating system, more advanced Excel techniques, scripting with Perl and statistics with R. We will also introduce attendees to some of the many bioinformatics tools for genomics. Potential topics include the UCSC genome browser, GALAXY, IGV, Argo, GenePattern, Bioconductor and various functional annotation methods.
Contact: Charlie Whittaker, 76-189B, x4-0337,
Sponsor: David H. Koch Inst. for Integrative Cancer Researc
Cosponsor: Libraries
Latest update: 15-Dec-2011