How to Feel As Bright and Capable As Everyone Seems to Think You Are: Why Capable People Suffer from the Impostor Syndrome
Dr. Valerie Young Guest Speaker
Tue Jan 17, 01:30-03:00pm, 34-101
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Do you secretly worry that others will find out you’re not as intelligent and competent as they seem to think you are? Do you often dismiss your accomplishments as a “fluke” or “no big deal?” Do you sometimes shy away from taking on greater challenges because of nagging self-doubt? Are you crushed by even constructive criticism, taking it as evidence of your ineptness? If so, join the club!
Contact: Heather Law, 12-170, x3-4733,
Sponsor: Global Education and Career Development
Latest update: 19-Dec-2011