Big Docs in Word: Tips and Tricks to Format your Thesis
Lourdes Aleman
Tue Jan 24, 11am-12:30pm, 14N-132 DIRC
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 30 participants.
Single session event
Are you writing and formatting your thesis this year? Don’t let WORD get you down. This 1.5 hour interactive tutorial led by an MIT PhD graduate will illustrate some simple shortcuts you can take in Word 2008 for Macs to make thesis formatting a breeze (automatically generating/updating table of contents, applying consistent formatting throughout the document, etc.), saving you many precious hours. The hands-on workshop will be conducted on Word for Macs ONLY. Please bring your own laptop. If you have a PC and would still like to come to the workshop, printed instructions for Word 2007 for PCs will be available but please note that the workshop will be conducted using a Mac. Note: this workshop will not cover formatting a bibliography or reference managing programs.Please register for this IAP session at
Contact: Lourdes Aleman, NE48-308, 715-5348,
Sponsor: Libraries
Cosponsor: Biology
Latest update: 17-Nov-2011