Cyber International Relations: Emergent Realities of Conflict and Cooperation
Nazli Choucri, Robert Reardon
Tue Jan 17, Wed Jan 18, Tue Jan 24, Wed Jan 25, 09am-05:00pm, 56-162
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
This class explores the interaction between the development and growth of cyber space and international politics. Questions of theory and policy will both be addressed. The class is organized around the following core questions: How well can existing theories of international relations help us understand the political implications of cyberspace? How might cyberspace change traditional understandings of international politics? How might cyberspace affect security, identity, development, political freedom, social organization, and the distribution of global power? Does it represent a brave new world, or is it simply another over-hyped technological innovation? Over the course of the class, a series of interdisciplinary experts will offer their takes on these questions, present cutting-edge developments in the study of cyberspace and cyberpolitics, and engage participants in critical discussion. Falling at the nexus of the technical and the political, the class seeks to take advantage of MIT's unique strengths.
Contact: Robert Reardon, reardon@MIT.EDU
Sponsor: Political Science
Latest update: 20-Dec-2011