Introduction to Corp. Credit Analysis & Equity Valuation
Andrew Henwood MBA'07, John Piskorowski SM '07
Wed Feb 1, 11am-02:30pm, E62-276
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Single session event
This two-part workshop is to first to cover the key concepts in Corporate Credit analysis including the role the ratings agencies and typical financial ratios employed in order to determine the credit risk of a company. The class will introduce students to the Investment Grade (IG) bond market and provide several examples on how bonds are priced and why an IG rating is desirable for a company today.
(1:00 p.m.--2:30 p.m.) The second part is to give students an introduction to Equity valuation. Typically students are familiar with DCF analysis, but other approaches, such as multiple analysis, net asset value and sum-of-the parts valuation, are important techniques in providing a broader measure of equity valuation. An effort will be made to include several real world examples of how investment professionals value equities in the Energy and Financial sectors.
11:00 a.m.-- 12:30 p.m. -- Corporate Credit Analysis 1:00 p.m. -- 2:30 p.m. -- Equity Valuation Please register using the link below.
Contact: Elena Byrne, W98-200, (617) 252-1143,
Sponsor: Alumni Association
Latest update: 09-Dec-2011