Residential Energy Efficiency to the Max: Building a Net-Zero Energy LEED Platinum house
David Miller
Thu Jan 19, 02-03:00pm, E51-376
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Come hear about what went into building the first net-zero energy, platinum LEED single family residence that’s walking distance from Boston’s ‘T’. The design goals for this house were nearly impossible: to be net-zero energy and platinum LEED, to be extremely durable and low maintenance, to fit in and be an attractive addition to an upscale suburban neighborhood, and to have similar features as other new houses while being built at a comparable cost to houses that have conventional energy usage. Hear about the technologies, products and services that made this happen. Also, have the opportunity to sign-up for a tour. RSVPs requested.
Contact: David Miller, E53, (877) 531-9017, dsmiller@MIT.EDU
Sponsor: Sloan School of Management
Latest update: 21-Nov-2011