Webex Overview : How to Give a Presentation Remotely
Kate Fontanella
Wed Feb 1, 10-11:00am, E17-121
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Single session event
Do you need to find an easier way to collaborate with other Universities or distant colleagues? Maybe you need to schedule a meeting on campus but everyone is too busy to gather in the same place at the same time?
In this session, we will demonstrate the capabilities of the tool WebEx, from hosting a basic conference call to conducting an interactive seminar. Come learn howWebEx can make your meetings more productive and successful.
WebEx is available to all Faculty, Staff and Students at MIT.
Contact: Kate Fontanella, E17-121, (617) 324-5931, kfontane@mit.edu
Sponsor: Information Services and Technology
Latest update: 06-Dec-2011