Collective Intelligence 101
Yiftach Nagar
Wed Jan 18, 10:30am-01:00pm, E62-262
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: none
\*\*\* NOTE: ROOM CHANGE. Morning session meets in E62-262! \*\*\*
If you are curious, or puzzled about what “collective intelligence” means, in both research and practice, here you will learn what a lot of other people have said, and probably get even more confused! I will try, however, to create a comprehensive and cohesive picture by synthesizing: 1. Theoretical Ideas (spanning philosophy of mind, distributed cognition, psychology and… robotics), 2. Empirical Evidence (including neuro-science and social psychology), and 3. Applications and Implications for research and practice.
No background needed. This may be of interest to students and guests from any discipline.
Yiftach Nagar is a Doctoral Candidate at Sloan, working at the MIT Center for Collective Intelligence.
Contact: Yiftach Nagar,
Sponsor: Yiftach Nagar, E62-427,
Latest update: 17-Jan-2012