Building Your Own Neuroscience Lab
Daniel Bendor, Carme Varela, Josh Siegle
Thu Jan 12, 19, 26, Feb 2, 03-06:00pm, 46-4062
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 03-Jan-2012
Limited to 20 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
In this four-part course, you will learn how to build your own neuroscience lab, where you can collect data from living neurons, build a setup (from scratch) to collect behavioral data, and then analyze and plot this data in MATLAB. In the second class, you will have the opportunity to perform your own neural recordings in an anesthetized insect. In the third class, you will learn the basics of using an Arudino (, a microcontroller that allows you to control motors and sensors with your computer. Using the Arduino you will build a basic setup for running behavioral experiments. In the fourth class you will learn how to use MATLAB both for data analysis and to automate your experiments.
No previous experience in neuroscience, computer programming, or using MATLAB or an Arudino is required for this class. No purchase of equipment is required for this class.
Contact: Daniel Bendor, 46-5233, x2-1841,
Sponsor: Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Latest update: 08-Nov-2011