IIT@MITLab Workshop: Robotics and Learning Theory at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Tomaso Poggio, Lorenzo Rosasco
Thu Feb 2, 11am-01:30pm, 46-5165
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
In this meeting we will present the core activities within IIT and in particular a recent joint laboratory with MIT (IIT@MIT Lab) focusing on computational and statistical Learning Theory
•Emilio Bizzi, Institute Professor, Founding member McGovern Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. •Roberto Cingolani, Scientific Director, Istituto Italiano di Technologia; Founder and Director of the National Nanotechnology Laboratory (NNL) of INFM, Professor of General Physics at the Engineering Faculty, University of Lecce. •Giulio Sandini, Director of Research at the Istituto Italiano di Technologia, Director of the Robotics, Brain and Cognitive Sciences departmen, Professor of bioengineering at the University of Genoa. •Tomaso A. Poggio, Eugene McDermott Professor, Founding member McGovern Institute, Director of CBCL, Member of CSAIL, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. •Lorenzo Rosasco, IIT@MIT Lab, Instituto Italiano di Technologia and Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT.
Web: http://cbcl.mit.edu/IIT@MIT/IIT@MIT.html
Contact: Lorenzo Rosasco, 46-5162, lrosasco@mit.edu
Sponsor: Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Latest update: 25-Jan-2012