Computational Tools for Engineers in Research and Practice: Tutorials and Seminars
Professor Alexander Mitsos
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
In this series tutorials and hand-on training will be given for a variety of computational tools. The focus is on solving engineering problems that arise in research & development and industrial practice. Professional representatives from the companies that develop and license the tools will give seminars and/or hands-on training. No advance registration is required unless noted. Participation in any or all sessions is possible. See list of individual sessions.
If you would like to see a tool added to the list, please contact the organizer.
Contact: Alexander Mitsos,
Sponsor: Mechanical Engineering
Kelvin Mischo Wolfram
The seminar on Mathematica 8 will show how to create documents or slide show presentations with text/calculations, a wide variety of calculations relevant to engineering, and how Mathematica and technology work together in Mathematica 8.
1-3pm lecture, 3-5pm: Q&A and hands-on session.
The content is suitable for students, faculty, and staff with any level of Mathematica knowledge.
Tue Jan 17, 01-05:00pm, 4-149
Introduction to EES (Engineering Equation Solver)
Prof Greg Nellis
Intro to basic features of EES, including entering and solving equations, parametric tables, basic plotting, units, arrays, and lookup tables. Discussion of curve fitting, interpolation, functions and procedures. The thermodynamic and transport property data built into EES will be presented. Discussion of strategies for debugging EES programs and ensuring convergence.
Wed Jan 18, 08:30-11:30am, 3-442
Advanced EES (Engineering Equation Solver)
Prof Greg Nellis
EES’ internal capabilities for single- and multi-dimensional optimization, numerical integration, and uncertainty propagation will be discussed. Advanced plotting options and use of the built-in application libraries including the extensive heat transfer library will be introduced. Additional features of EES will be discussed according to participant interest.
Wed Jan 18, 12:30-03:30pm, 3-442
Lay Tan
This presentation will provide a brief overview of the finite element method as used in ADINA (, focusing on reliable and effective procedures, and give various examples of applications. Participants will have the opportunity to perform a structural analysis using ADINA. Thereafter, a fluid structure interaction analysis using ADINA will be demonstrated.
Thu Jan 19, 09am-12:00pm, 3-442
COMSOL Multiphysics
Srikanth Vaidianathan
For more information, see
Thu Jan 19, 01-04:00pm, 3-442
Mathworks (including Matlab)
Lauren Tabolinsky
The MathWorks Sessions, Instructor: Jim Cain
Organized by EECS, limited enrollment, registration required.
Mon Jan 23 thru Fri Jan 27, 10am-03:30pm, See EECS schedule
Ansys (including Fluent)
Sutikno Wirogo
4 hours seminar followed by hands-on demo
Tue Jan 24, 08am-04:00pm, 35-122
Abaqus and Isight
Charles Wilcox
Dassault Systemes - SIMULIA
Techniques in Realistic Simulation followed by an Interactive Abaqus Training Session with workshop examples. Bring your laptop.
Contact Charlie Wilcox at to register and to obtain a copy of the Abaqus Student Edition in advance of the class. Space is limited.
Wed Jan 25, 09am-05:00pm, 3-370
Latest update: 19-Jan-2012