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IAP 2012 Activity

Mobile Virtualization: Smartphones with Multiple Personalities
Steve Muir Technical Staff, VMware, Harvey Tuch, Prashanth Bungale
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)

There is a historic shift occurring today, where smartphones and tablets are overtaking PCs as the dominant end user computing platforms. Another key technology, virtualization, has achieved a huge impact on the industry over the past decade in data centers and desktops. This course will present an introduction to the essentials of virtualization technology from the perspective of VMware's Mobile Virtualization Platform (MVP) group.

The course will cover the systems and architecture concepts behind virtualization in general and techniques for core and device virtualization on mobile platforms. A focus will be given to the ARM architecture, the platform behind billions of embedded and mobile devices. We will focus on the wider solution space and explore tradeoffs when developing virtualization techniques, while providing concrete examples from the MVP hypervisor.
Contact: Steve Muir, smuir@vmware.com
Sponsor: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Cosponsor: Student Information Processing Board

Introduction to Virtualization & ARM CPU Virtualization
Steve Muir Technical Staff, VMware, Harvey Tuch, Prashanth Bungale
Virtualization enables an operating system to run other operating systems as applications- Windows on OS X or Linux, or multiple virtual machines on one physical server. It is now being applied to smartphones in VMware's Mobile Virtual Platform. Reviews benefits of virtualization, techniques for virtualizing CPU and memory, such as binary translation and hardware enhancements, and details of ARM virtualization.
Mon Jan 23, 10am-12:00pm, 32-124

Mobile Devices and Application-Level Virtualization
Steve Muir Technical Staff, VMware, Harvey Tuch, Prashanth Bungale
Virtualization of smartphones and tablets requires handling of a wide range of I/O devices. This lecture explains the challenges, solution space and implementation details of a subset of devices in VMware's MVP. It also covers application-level virtualization in mobile devices, and includes optional exercises to gain hands-on experience on Android phones and tablets.
Wed Jan 25, 03-05:00pm, 32-144
Latest update: 27-Dec-2011

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 7 Sept. 2011