Book Collecting as a Hobby: Embracing this Gentle Madness
Patrick Olson, Patrick Ford, Stephen Skuce
Fri Jan 27, 10-11:30am, 14N-118
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 25-Jan-2012
Limited to 30 participants.
Single session event
Have you ever wondered what makes a book collectable? Or what the words “first edition” really mean? In this hour and a half, we’ll answer all the questions you have (and never had) about book collecting. Come learn about the methods, resources, and terms collectors are using today. We’ll have a selection of MIT’s rare books on hand for viewing, including some with their own fascinating histories of private ownership. Whether you’re a veteran bibliophile, an aspiring collector, or just plain curious, you’re sure to come away from this event informed and inspired.
Please register at:
Contact: Patrick Olson, 14N-118, x5-4467,
Sponsor: Libraries
Latest update: 18-Nov-2011