Viewing the Subsurface: The Basics of Seismic Acquisition, Processing, and Interpretation
Jonathan Kane Shell Oil Company, Detlef Hohl, Jim Pickens, Tom Holly
Mon Jan 9, Tue Jan 10, Wed Jan 11, 09am-02:00pm, 46-1015, lunch provided
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 30 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Seismic imaging is the principal method used to explore for hydrocarbons in the earth. It involves using sensors to record the response of the earth to an input source of energy, converting the raw data into an image of subsurface structures, and then interpreting the image to find oil-bearing deposits. We will cover the basics of seismic imaging over the course of 3 days, with 3 hours of instruction per day, along with in-class exercises. Lunch will be provided.
Following class on the third day we will present the "Shell IAP Challenge": an algorithm development contest for enrolled participants with a cash reward ($3000 to the winner, and $1000 to the runner up). The contest will run over the course of IAP, with the winner announced during the final week.
Contact: Jonathan Kane, E19-3419, (617) 715-5198,
Sponsor: Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Latest update: 06-Dec-2011