Hacker Movies!
Molly Sauter
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Since the 1980's, hackers have been a favorite subject of Hollywood and television. In this film series, we'll be watching some classic (and not so classic) examples from the genre, looking at how the depiction of hacker characters has changed over time. After the screenings, we'll adjourn for an informal discussion about how these different perspectives reflect changes in how hackers are viewed by mainstream society, and connections between popular culture depictions of hackers and federal computer crime statutes and prosecutions. Also featured: popcorn! A collection will be taken up for pizza when people are hungry. Come see the movies you like, and stay as long as you like.
Contact: Molly Sauter, (267) 337-3861, msauter@MIT.EDU
Sponsor: Comparative Media Studies
The Wunderkids
Molly Sauter
War Games (1983) Hackers (1995)
Mon Jan 16, 06-10:00pm, E15-344
The Old Guard
Molly Sauter
Sneakers (1992) Swordfish (2001)
Tue Jan 17, 06-10:00pm, E15-344
The Big Bad
Molly Sauter
Take Down (2000) Live Free or Die Hard (2007)
Thu Jan 19, 06-10:00pm, E15-344
Not All White Dudes After All
Molly Sauter
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009) (Swedish with English subtitles) Cowboy Bebop, "Jamming with Edward" (1998) (Japanese with English subtitles) Leverage, episode to be announced
Fri Jan 20, 06-10:00pm, E15-344
Latest update: 30-Nov-2011