Cool Shorts: Climate Change on Web Video
Chris Boebel, Eli Kintisch, Patrick Wellever
Tue Jan 17, 10am-01:00pm, E53-354 Thu Jan 19, 10am-12:00pm, E53-354 Tue Jan 24, 10am-01:00pm, E53-354 Thu Jan 26, 10am-12:00pm, E53-354
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 17-Jan-2012
Limited to 10 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: None
This class, cosponsored by Knight Science Journalism at MIT, focuses on the production of several short videos about climate change, meant for web distribution. The goal will be to explore, visualize or enliven topics around climate science with visual/dramatic originality, surprise, suspense or humor. Reaching a broad audience is the intent.
We will study the evolving form of the online video short, especially those meant to explore an idea or scientific concept. Students will also be given a brief primer on fundamental climate science principles. Then they will propose, film and cut two videos, each no longer than 1:30, and post them online. Students will learn important tips on making web videos, some basic climate science, and have a chance to hone their video-making skills.
Students who are beginners or advanced filmmakers are welcome. Students are encouraged to use their own equipment for videomaking – anything from consumer cameras to DSLR’s, or even cellphones. HD cameras will also be available for students who do not have access to their own tools.
Contact: Eli Kintisch, W1-5067, x4-4975,
Sponsor: Anthropology
Cosponsor: Science, Technology, and Society
Latest update: 11-Jan-2012