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IAP 2012 Activity

How to Make Your Service Serve You: how public service can help you get into medical school, win a major scholarship, or secure a big grant!
Alison Hynd, Kimberly Benard
Tue Jan 31, 12-01:15pm, 2-105

Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Single session event

Find out how to leverage your volunteer or other community service work to give you an advantage when applying for grants, grad school, scholarships, etc. You will hear from a panel of students who have used their service experiences to secure major grants and scholarships, plus staff from the Public Service Center and Distinguished Fellowships Office.

RSVP for this event to Alison at hynd@mit.edu

For more information, contact:
Alison Hynd
617 258 0691
Contact: Alison Hynd, W20-549, (617) 258-0691, hynd@mit.edu
Sponsor: Public Service Center
Cosponsor: Global Education and Career Development
Latest update: 20-Dec-2011

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 7 Sept. 2011