Urban Planning Movie Marathon
Ezra Glenn
Tue Jan 31, 12pm-12:00am, AVT
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
This year's noon-to-midnight Marathon will feature a variety of films on topics related to urban planning, environmentalism, affordable housing, design, development, globalism, and the nature of regions, cities, and neighborhoods. In addition to feature-length films and documentaries, we'll include a few shorts (and maybe even a few cartoons).
Full program TBA at http://web.mit.edu/eglenn/www/iap_films_2012.html; come for one or stay for all. Popcorn and other food served.
Contact: Ezra Glenn, 7-337, x3-2024, eglenn@mit.edu
Sponsor: Urban Studies and Planning
Latest update: 09-Jan-2012