jQuery Mobile: The Easy Peasy Mobile Development Framework
Laura Watts
Wed Jan 18, 01-03:00pm, E-17 Room 121
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Prereq: none
Overview of jQuery Mobile development framework and how it can help UX professionals and developers quickly prototype mobile sites and apps. What are the tools and skills needed to get up and running? What are the pros and cons? I'll share that information and a brief demo of a desktop web app created for mobile — and last, but not least, links to further reading, resources, and tips!
Note: the focus of the talk is a basic overview and from a User Interface Designer's perspective with some emphasis on backend development.
Contact: Laura Watts, W-92, 324-8312, lwatts@mit.edu
Sponsor: Information Services and Technology
Latest update: 28-Nov-2011