Introduction to Wind Energy
Alex Kalmikov
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Co-sponsor: MIT Wind Energy Projects in Action (WEPA)
Contact: Alex Kalmikov,
Sponsor: MIT Energy Initiative
Cosponsor: Mechanical Engineering
Wind Energy 101 - An introduction to wind power technology
Alex Kalmikov
In recent years, wind energy has evolved from an emerging energy alternative into a global, rapidly maturing industry competitive with conventional energy sources. Come to learn about the technology that enabled this transition, allowing clean, emissions-free harvesting of the renewable wind resource.
Thu Jan 19, 11am-12:00pm, 3-133
Wind Energy 102 - An introduction to wind physics and resource assessment
Alex Kalmikov
Although usually invisible to the naked eye, wind carries enormous amounts of energy. Come to learn about the sources and forces of this energy and basic quantitative approaches to its assessment. Alex Kalmikov is a PhD candidate in Mechanical and Ocean Engineering at the MIT-WHOI Joint Program. He is the co-chair of the MIT Wind Energy Club and leads the WEPA student team.
Fri Jan 20, 11am-12:00pm, 3-133
Latest update: 14-Dec-2011