Basics of 3-D Photography - Creating Analglyph/Stereoscopic Images
Sam Magee
Sat Jan 14, 01:30-05:00pm, w20-429, see
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 09-Jan-2012
Limited to 8 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: see
Fee: 60.00 for instruction and materials, see for more det
Anaglyph or stereoscopic photography is a genre of photography that is used to create an illusion of 3-dimensional depth from the merging of two offset 2-dimensional images that are viewed simultaneously with each of the viewer’s eyes perceiving a slightly different perspective of the same objects. In this workshop, you will specifically be creating 3-D images that need to be viewed with the classic red and blue “3-D glasses,” which will provided for you. In this 1-part workshop, you’ll get a basic understanding of how to create anaglyph images and will generate your own photos to create them during classtime.
A large selection of stereoscopic images will be viewed to determine which techniques and approaches to creating the images resulted in successful 3-D effects. You’ll then take the photos you’ll need to ultimately generate your own 3-D photographs which we will process using the graphics program Photoshop.
At the conclusion of the workshop... see more at
Contact: Sam Magee, E15-205, x3-4004,
Sponsor: Student Art Association
Latest update: 09-Jan-2012