Introduction to Large Format Photography
Sam Magee
Tue Jan 17, Wed Jan 18, Thu Jan 19, 06-09:00pm, w20-429, see
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Signup by: 09-Jan-2012
Limited to 8 participants.
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: see
Fee: 60.00 for instruction and materials, see for more det
Instructors: Graham Gordon Ramsay and Biyeun Buczyk
SAA has one of the few facilities in the Greater Boston Area that offer traditional large format photography classes where students can explore the wonders of shooting big negatives. These negatives of will produce prints that are very large with sharp, crisp detail, very fine grain and an unsurpassable beauty in tonal range.
This three-day comprehensive workshop will offer a hands-on overview on the use of traditional large format 4x5 and 8x10 cameras. Workshop will include an introduction to the theory and practice of large format, basic camera operation, and in-class directed shooting. A guided session on large format film processing techniques also will be included. At the end of this workshop, each student will have produced several large format negatives suitable for traditional b&w printing, and/or alternative process contract printing.
This workshop acts as a companion class to any of the Alternative Process classes and workshops offered at SAA (Gum Bichromate Printing workshop offered during IAP, or Printing with Iron class offered in the Spring 2012—see course descriptions for more detailed information).
Previous photographic experience desirable. SAA will supply large format cameras and film for in-class use.
Contact Graham Ramsay ( if you have questions.
Contact: Sam Magee, w20-429, x3-4004,
Sponsor: Student Art Association
Latest update: 30-Nov-2011