Environmental Change At The MIT Museum
Brindha Muniappan
Tue Jan 10, 01-03:00pm, MIT Museum, N51
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
The MIT museum wants your help during IAP – especially if you’re interested in science communication and educational outreach, or concerned about the Earth’s changing environment. A new exhibit, called “Rivers of Ice”, will be opening at the museum in April, and we’d like your help in brainstorming and developing related materials to enhance a visitor's experience in the exhibit, including activities, devices, art, or something equally intriguing.
Please join us at the MIT museum (N51; 265 Mass Ave) on Tuesday, January 10, from 1-3pm, for an introduction to the museum, overview of the upcoming exhibit, and a visit to the Museum Studio (N52-214). In exchange for your expertise we’ll provide opportunities to engage with the public, build your science communication skills, and, of course, SNACKS.
Web: http://web.mit.edu/museum/exhibitions/upcoming.html
Contact: Brindha Muniappan, N52-218B, x3-0527, brindha@mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Museum
Latest update: 01-Dec-2011