Visual Poetics of Literary Form: from Visual Poetry to Poetry Film
Natalia Fedorova Fulbright Visiting Scholar, Taras Mashtalir, sound designer
Tue, Fri, Jan 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, 31, 01-02:30pm, 56-180
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Signup by: 09-Jan-2012
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Prereq: none
Visual Poetics of Literary Form: from Visual Poetry to Poetry Film examines the development of experimental literary forms from visual to multimedia poetics through the twenties century in radically changing landscape of Russian cultural history. Explores their transition across national and media borders. Course will look at the history of representation of visual poetic forms from Russian fututism and avante-garde further on to underground samizdat, poetry film, kinetic and digital poetry pratices. Careful observation of the dinamics of the visual poetic forms will allow to re-think the notion of novelity, as well as observe how the economical and historic circumstanses can influence the mode and media used by the artist. Students will be required to do the reading for each class and also will be encouraged to submit visual poetic works of their own for the final exhibition with the discussion to follow.
Contact: natalia fedorova, 14N-233, (671) 515-3573,
Sponsor: Comparative Media Studies
Latest update: 10-Jan-2012