The History and Physics of Nuclear Weapons
Kosta Michael Tsipis
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Four lectures on the history and physics of nuclear weapons:
Lecture 1 The history and Physics of the genesis of nuclear weapons.
Lecture 2 The physics of a nuclear weapon.
Lecture 3 The effects of a nuclear detonation.
Lecture 4 Nuclear proliferation and the NPT (nuclear proliferation treaty).
Contact: Kosta Michael Tsipis,
Sponsor: Mechanical Engineering
The History and Physics of the Genesis of Nuclear Weapons
Kosta Michael Tsipis
The history and Physics of the genesis of nuclear weapons: Bequerel, Marie Curie, Rutherford, Bohr, Szilard, Hahn-Strassman, Szilard Fermi at Columbia, Szilard-Teller visit to Einstein, VanBush, Leslie Groves, Oppenheimer, Los Alamos. The Physics: Missing mass and binding energy of nucleons in a nucleus, chain reaction in U235 + neutron
Mon Jan 23, 01-02:00pm, 4-231
The Physics of a Nuclear Weapon
Kosta Michael Tsipis
The physics of a nuclear weapon: critical mass; the engineering of a Uranium bomb, of a Plutonium bomb. The Hydrogen bomb.
Wed Jan 25, 01-02:00pm, 4-231
The Effects of a Nuclear Detonation
Kosta Michael Tsipis
The Effects of a nuclear detonation: Thermal effects, Blast overpressure and dynamic pressure, Prompt ionizing radiation, Radioactive fallout, Ozone Depletion, The Electromagnetic Pulse.
Mon Jan 30, 01-02:00pm, 4-231
Nuclear Proliferation and the NPT (Nuclear Proliferation Treaty)
Kosta Michael Tsipis
Parastatal entities can acquire a nuclear explosive three ways: Steal one (Russia, Pakistan), buy one (Pakistan, North Korea) or make a crude one from purloined U or Plutonium. Proliferation and national States: Enrichment of U235 as the nexus between nuclear power and nuclear weapons (India, Pakistan, South Africa, Iran, N.Korea). Signatories and non signatories of the NPT.
Wed Feb 1, 01-02:00pm, 4-231
Latest update: 15-Dec-2011