Become a Data & Internet Planning Ninja
Rob Goodspeed
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
Looking to develop your data and technology skills? Are you seeking to share your experience or get advice about a planning or analysis problem? Want to discuss the value of a particular technology or technique? Participate in any or all of these student-driven workshops to learn about and discuss data sources, analysis, and web-based technologies for urban planning and research.
Contact: Rob Goodspeed,
Sponsor: Urban Studies and Planning
Transforming Data into Information
Kerry Spitzer & Eric Schultheis
This seminar will explore how you can use descriptive statistics to create information from data. Participants will use real-world data source(s) and off-the-shelf software to craft a narrative using quantitative data. We will pay particular attention to how the choice of descriptive statistic shapes a narrative's legitimacy and content.
Mon Jan 30, 10am-12:00pm, 9-450A
GIS for Justice: Spatial Data Analysis in Social Justice Advocacy
Eric Schultheis
This seminar will introduce participants to how social justice advocates use GIS in practice. The seminar will focus on how GIS (ArcMap) is used by civil rights, anti-poverty, and equity activists to support their advocacy agendas. In addition, this seminar will discuss how advocates can leverage visualization, scale, and the spatial aggregation to support their advocacy efforts.
Mon Jan 30, 03-05:00pm, 9-450A
Low-Cost Online Community Engagement Tools
Jase Wilson, MCP ‘08
This hands-on workshop will cover how to set up a low-cost website for community engagement. In just a few simple steps, learn how to create a website to disseminate information, gather feedback, interpret results and collaboratively write policies. Includes a discussion of WordPress, Google Forms, Google Fusion Tables + charts API, Wordpress plugins.
Tue Jan 31, 10am-12:00pm, 9-450A
Crowdsourcing Tools for Public Participation in Planning
Rob Goodspeed
New online tools for “crowdsourcing” have exploded in the field of planning. Learn how these tools work and how they can be incorporated into planning projects. Includes examples of how they have been used by cities, states, and federal agencies. Presentation will include a discussion of tools for ideas or feedback (IdeaScale, Spigit, UserVoice, MindMixer, ChangeByUs) and spatial comments (Ushahidi/CrowdMap).
Tue Jan 31, 01-03:00pm, 9-450A
Data and Methods for Analyzing Labor Markets
Amy Glasmeier
Tue Jan 31, 03-05:00pm, 9-450A
Urban Data Management and Visualization
David Quinn
Software: R, QGIS. Learn how to gain new insights from urban data through the use of spatial analysis and visualization techniques. Participants will learn methods for exploring datasets and creating visualizations in a hands-on environment. We will also discuss how to generate maps using scripting. Please fill out this form before the workshop:
Wed Feb 1, 10am-12:00pm, 9-450A
Web-Based Mapping and Data Visualization
David Quinn
Software: QGIS, OpenLayers, Google Fusion Tables. Web-based mapping and visualizations are a useful means of sharing information. Participants will learn how to create customized web maps and display data within a browser so that a user can interact with the data presented. Please fill out this form before the workshop:
Wed Feb 1, 01-04:00pm, 9-450A
Latest update: 23-Jan-2012