Workflow Clinic
Randall Warniers
Fri Jan 27, 12-03:00pm, E14-525
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 26-Jan-2012
Limited to 25 participants.
Establishing an effective digital workflow from image acquisition to image output is an essential part of good digital photography. This interactive Media Lab seminar—a companion to Camera Clinic—will discuss useful procedures and techniques to help you organize, optimize, and communicate your photographs. We will cover three topics: (1) archiving, naming, and backing up image files; (2) using an image editor to manipulate and improve your images; and (3) preparing images for output either in print or online. We will also discuss the importance of color management in an effective digital workflow. All levels of experience are welcome. Bring your digital camera (large, medium, or small)!
Contact: Taya Leary, E14-433B,
Sponsor: Media Arts & Sciences
Latest update: 09-Dec-2011