Dark Energy: The Greatest Mystery in the Universe
Prof. Edmund Bertschinger
Tue Jan 24, 02-03:00pm, Marlar: 37-252
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
By studying distant galaxies, supernovae, and cosmic radiation, astrophysicists have concluded that two-thirds of the mass-energy density in the universe is in a bizarre form unlike atomic matter or any other particles hypothesized by physicists. Why do we think it's there? Why do we care? What is it? How might we find out?
Web: http://space.mit.edu/home/nss/iap2012/iap_activities_2012.html
Contact: Norbert S. Schulz, NE80-6075, (617) 258-5767, nss@space.mit.edu
Sponsor: Kavli Institute for Astrophysics & Space Research
Latest update: 09-Dec-2011