I Thought I Wanted to be an Architect
Zaurie Zimmerman
Signup by: 24-Jan-2012
Limited to 20 participants.
Participants welcome at individual sessions (series)
This course will reveal a fascinating alternative career path available to those with an architectural or building-related engineering degree or experience in these fields. If a far more comprehensive role in the process of bringing buildings to life interests you, one that is exciting, rewarding, demanding and crucial to a building project's success, please come to one or both sessions.
Instructor holds BSAD and MArch degrees from MIT, is a registered architect and 25 year veteran of this profession.
Session One Analysis of the key aspects of the roles of architect, owner and contractor in the planning, design and construction processes. Exploration of the interplay of forces in the quality/schedule/budget triangle and which elements are crucial to produce a successful projects. Introduction to development management, with a focus on sustainability, from the owner's perspective.
Session Two Case studies of projects ranging from the mixed-use commercial development of Rowes Wharf, to projects developed on the campuses of non-profit institutions including an arts center, a technology building, a science lab, and the first building built on the Rose Kennedy Greenway demonstrating principles of successful project management.
Contact: Zaurie Zimmerman, 7-337, (781) 861-9922, zauriezim@aol.com
Sponsor: Architecture
Zaurie Zimmerman
Session One Analysis of the key aspects of the roles of architect, owner and contractor in the planning, design and construction processes. Exploration of the interplay of forces in the quality/schedule/budget triangle and which elements are crucial to produce a successful projects. Introduction to development management, with a focus on sustainability, from the owner's perspective.
Wed Jan 25, 02-04:00pm, 7-338
Zaurie Zimmerman
Session Two Case studies of projects ranging from the mixed-use commercial development of Rowes Wharf, to projects developed on the campuses of non-profit institutions including an arts center, a technology building, a science lab, and the first building built on the Rose Kennedy Greenway demonstrating principles of successful project management.
Wed Feb 1, 02-04:00pm, 7-338
Latest update: 13-Jan-2012