Introduction to Scanning Electron and Focused Ion Beam Microscopy: Part 2. Focused Ion Beam (FIB)
Shiahn Chen, Patrick Boisvert
Thu Jan 26, 03-04:30pm, 13-2137
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
This lecture will cover the basic elements of ion source, optics and ion-material interaction in a focused ion beam machine with an emphasis on the differences from, and similarity to, the electron-beam instrument. In addition, the lecture will describe the configuration of the FEI Helios 600 Nanolab Dual Beam workstation in the CMSE Electron Microscopy Facility, and conclude with application examples as well as an open discussion of the material characterization and nanofabrication uses of the dual-beam workstation.
Contact: Shiahn Chen, 13-1027, x3-4622,
Sponsor: Center for Materials Science and Engineering
Latest update: 27-Dec-2011