IAP MIT Community Service Day
Amy Fan, Kristi Gundrum Kebinger
Fri Jan 27, 11am-04:00pm, Mezzanine Lounge-W20, Lunch @ MIT, then volunteer
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 23-Jan-2012
Limited to 60 participants.
Single session event
We invite all members of the MIT Community to join us for the IAP Community Service Day! First, have a delicious Indian lunch at the Mezzanine Lounge lunch. Then, head out into the Cambridge and Boston communities to volunteer with three local organizations: 1) The Greater Boston Food Bank, Boston, works to end hunger in eastern Massachusetts. Volunteers will be inspecting, sorting, and repacking donated grocery products to be distributed to hunger relief agencies. 2) The Salvation Army, Harbor Light Center, Boston, is a shelter for individuals struggling with addiction. It offers a residency program, two sober graduate houses, transitional housing assistance for women, a community feeding program and worship services. Volunteers will be painting the Center. 3) People Making a Difference, MIT, is founded by one of MIT’s own, Lori Tsuruda ’89. PMD promotes volunteerism in one-time projects that meet local needs. Volunteers will be at MIT, assembling Lego kits into DNA models that will be used by schools in the Boston area and across the country. Public transportation fees to/from the service placement will be provided. Please register (link below) by January 23th!
Web: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?hl=en_US&formkey=dFl0bGdWSGlIdFFNaVJnRVE3MTNwSGc6MQ#gid=0
Contact: Amy Fan, 4-104, (617) 253-0742, serviceday@mit.edu
Sponsor: Public Service Center
Latest update: 27-Dec-2011