Detecting Gravitational Waves
Professor Nergis Mavalvala
Wed Jan 25, 02:30-03:00pm, Marlar: 37-252
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Gravitational waves from astrophysical systems cause tiny changes in the distance between massive objects, or "test particles". We can detect these waves by measuring displacements of 10^-18 m rms (1/1000 of an atomic nucleus!). I will describe how we can make such precise measurements, both on the Earth and in space, and show recent experimental data from gravitational-wave observatories.
Contact: Norbert S. Schulz, NE80-6075, (617) 258-5767,
Sponsor: Kavli Institute for Astrophysics & Space Research
Latest update: 20-Dec-2011