Performance Robotics Group
Allan Doyle, Seth Riskin
Wed Jan 11, 18, 25, Feb 1, 04-06:00pm, N52-214
Enrollment limited: first come, first served
Limited to 20 participants.
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
The Performance Robotics Group formed during a recent MIT workshop with playwright/producer Robert Wilson. It’s a loose-knit group concerned with technologies and artistic performance; robotics is central.
This activity is a weekly demo. / discussion of work done independently or in small groups. The goal is to make progress on a collaborative performance featuring robot communication to be presented at MIT spring 2012.
We’ll begin with two existing robots: Eye-robot, a “seeing machine” for the visually-impaired, and a general-purpose motion platform. We intend to expand abilities of these robots by adding sensors, actuators, cameras and software, and to improve their visual design.
Activities will depend on skills of the participants (seeking robotics software specialists):
- Design systems for ease of use and robust operation, e. g., battery charging/management systems; payloads and components changeability; user-interfaces.
- Engineer use of sensors, navigation software; high-level choreography layer, Robot Operating System
- Develop the use of light and sound for robot sensing, communication and expression.
Contact: Allan Doyle, N51-213, x2-2111,
Sponsor: MIT Museum
Latest update: 11-Jan-2012