Basic Bike Mechanics
Ben Eck, Matt Schram, Brett Dikeman, David Grucza
Mon Jan 23, Wed Jan 25, 07-09:00pm, 36-153, Bring your own bike
No limit but advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 20-Jan-2012
Participants requested to attend all sessions (non-series)
Prereq: none
This course is an introduction to bicycle maintenance.
Topics will include: - proper bike fit - recommended basic tools - flat repair - brake adjustment - shifter adjustment - chain care - riding safely in Cambridge
Attendees should bring their own bike. Each two hour session is roughly half lecture, and half hands on work on your own bike.
Attendees should also bring the recommended tools. A list will be sent out in early January to registered participants.
Contact: Ben Eck, B112, (978) 866-7685,
Sponsor: MIT Cycling Club
Latest update: 28-Dec-2011