Introduction to R for Data Analysis and Graphing
Tony Smith-Grieco
Thu Jan 26, 02-04:00pm, 8-205
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 25-Jan-2012
Limited to 25 participants.
Single session event
Prereq: none
An introduction to the R system, focused on basic data manipulation and graphing. No prior experience with R is required.
I will not discuss the statistics capabilities of R at length; if that is your primary interest, you may be better off attending another class, such as "R and Statistics".
Format: 45 min. lecture, followed by 1 hour of lab time / question time
Please bring a laptop and your own datasets! This class will not include any exercises. Rather, I invite people to work as individuals or in small groups with their own datasets during the lab time, and I can answer specific questions.
Contact: Tony Smith-Grieco,
Sponsor: Anthony N Smith-Grieco, E19-429HA, 617 715-4576,
Latest update: 17-Jan-2012