Admissions Wiki Party!
Mollie Burgoon, Michelle Szucs
Tue Jan 17, 04pm-12:00am, Bush Room (10-105)
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
Want to tell the world about MIT? Come to the MIT Admissions wiki party! We're trying to build a comprehensive guide to MIT's life and culture. Think HTGAMIT + Nightwork + i3 + everything else in a grand anthropology of the curious uncivilization of the Institute.
Come on down to the Bush Room on Tuesday, January 17th from 4pm-12am. We will have free food and fun company! Look forward to seeing you there!
Contact Mollie Burgoon ( or Michelle Szucs ( for more information.
Contact: Mollie Burgoon, Michelle Szucs
Sponsor: Admissions
Latest update: 09-Jan-2012