UN Climate Roundtable - The UN process at a crossroads: Kyoto, a Green Fund, and hopes for a new legally binding agreement
Matt Orosz
Wed Jan 18, 02-03:00pm, 56-167
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Single session event
In 1992 the international community unanimously resolved to "prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system" at the Earth Summit in Rio.
Nearly 2 decades later, the Kyoto Protocol--the single binding international treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (an agreement which the US never ratified)--is losing constituency and relevance as a means of addressing the issue. Forging a consensus on action and an eventual replacement for Kyoto requires navigating tensions due to global disparities in wealth, technological capacity, and vulnerability to climate related disaster. Many have found the international process slow, confusing, and uninspiring, but a viable alternative framework for addressing the global issue of climate change is difficult to imagine.
Join in a discussion on the UN climate negotiations process, where we will try to clarify how the UN is addressing climate change, identify some of the key sources of conflict and obstruction, and note where the UN is making progress. This will be lead by the MIT student delegate to the recent conference of the parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP17) meeting in South Africa.
Contact: Matt Orosz, mso@mit.edu
Sponsor: MIT Energy Initiative
Latest update: 06-Jan-2012