Optimizing Urban Energy Systems through the Use of District Energy
Stephen Hammer
Tue Jan 24, 09:30-11:30am, Cambridge
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Limited to 20 participants.
Single session event
Spend part of your IAP learning about cogeneration-based district energy, a highly-efficient way to satisfy the electrical and thermal power needs of cities.
We'll tour the GenOn Kendall Cogenertation Station, and learn about its role in supporting the Veolia Energy-Dalkia district energy network around Cambridge and Boston. Guest speakers include Rowan Sanders (Veolia Energy North America) and Tob Thornton (International District Energy Association).
Contact: Stephen Hammer, 9-312, (347) 443-9169, hammer1@mit.edu
Sponsor: Urban Studies and Planning
Latest update: 06-Jan-2012