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IAP 2012 Activity

"An MIT's Employee's Introduction to Career Development"
Judith Stein
Mon Jan 23, 12-01:30pm, TBA

Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Prereq: MIT staff & support staff

This participatory workshop will help MIT
employees identify the next steps for their
own career development plans. By the
end of the workshop, participants will have
some tools and strategies to help:

Identify where you are within the career
development process

Identify next steps that you may take to
continue you own career development

Use resources that are available at MIT to
help you take these next steps.
Web: http://tinyurl.com/iapcareer
Contact: Ruth Levitsky, E52-252, x3-3399, levitsky@mit.edu
Sponsor: Professional Development Group
Latest update: 09-Jan-2012

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Last update: 7 Sept. 2011