Awesome Build Party
Joseph Okor, Louis Atsaves
Mon-Fri, Jan 17-20, 23-27, 30-31, 2-3, 03pm-05:00am, 2-136
No enrollment limit, no advance sign up
Repeating event. Participants welcome at any session
Prereq: none
Do you love designing things, or building things or wishing you could build things and could not think of what to build? We have identified a set of problems whose solutions could make a big difference in the World. During the IAP, we hope to find solutions to these problems, and build prototypes. At the end of IAP, we hope to have a big party to show off our prototypes to friends, enemies, potential business partners, etc.
Contact: Joseph Okor, (561) 431-8294,
Sponsor: Louis C Atsaves, BAKER-HOUSE # 135, 617 225-7135,
Latest update: 17-Jan-2012