Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief
Steve Chan, Charles Atencio, Anna Miao
Mon Jan 30, Wed Feb 1, Fri Feb 3, 04pm-08:00am, MIT and Boston Museu
Enrollment limited: advance sign up required (see contact below)
Signup by: 23-Jan-2012
Limited to 15 participants.
Single session event
Prereq: Instructor permission required
Today’s global challenges are complex and can be best understood with an interconnected perspective— one that combines science, technology, and society (STS). Such perspicacity captures the synergy among the 5Ds (Diplomacy, Defense, Development, Disaster Relief, and Data) underlying these global issues. This course will explore the 5Ds through the lens of humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR). First, it will present a framework that incorporates the 5Ds, via a triple helix approach that is enabled and enhanced through the use of a collaborative distributed leadership process. Second, it will highlight some cutting-edge academic, governmental, and industry research that might present some novel solutions to these global challenges. Third, it will articulate the challenges of extreme scale herculean societal tasks. Finally, a capstone to the course will be a viewing of the film “Rescue” at the Museum of Science Mugar Omni Theater. This IMAX film is an exemplar of STS and the triple-helix uniting the 5Ds to provide HADR in the wake of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.
Contact: Steve Chan, E38-456, (617) 324-4005,
Sponsor: Writing and Humanistic Studies
Latest update: 19-Jan-2012