08:00 AM
MOOSE Software Training (to 05:00 PM) 3-370
09:00 AM
Introduction to Welding (to 12:00 PM) 8-014
Viewing the Subsurface: The Basics of Seismic Acquisition, Processing, and Interpretation (to 02:00 PM) 46-1015
09:30 AM
Open Robotics Laboratory∗ (to 11:00 AM) 8-205
10:00 AM
Art, Architecture and Urbanism Workshop, Learning from the River (to 04:00 PM) E15-238a The Roth Rm
Art, Architecture and Urbanism in Dialogue: Learning from the River Charles (to 04:00 PM) E15-238a The Roth Rm
Audio Design for Video Games and Other Real-time Media (to 04:00 PM) E14-525
Individual Consultations at the Writing and Communication Center Location unavailable
Make Your Own Decorative Paste Paper (to 12:00 PM) 14-0513
System-on-a-Chip (SOC) Design Competition (to 05:00 PM) 34-301
10:30 AM
Invention (to 12:00 PM) 1-150
11:00 AM
How to Process, Analyze and Visualize Data (to 02:00 PM) 32-144
Plasma Science and Fusion Center IAP Series: Stellarator Physics and Reactor Prospects (to 12:00 PM) NW17-218
11:30 AM
Computer Workstation Ergonomics (to 12:30 PM) 4-145
12:00 PM
3D Manipulation of 2D Images (to 01:30 PM) 56-154
American Jiu Jitsu Grappling Regimen (to 01:00 PM) W32-124
Investor Behavior & Principles of Investing (to 01:00 PM) Blg 56-114
12:30 PM
Medical Imaging: Seeing What Makes You Sick (to 02:00 PM) 36-462 (Allen Room)
01:00 PM
A Sampling of Careers in Biology: A Career in the Biotechnology Industry (to 02:30 PM) 68-181
Corruption in Developing Countries (to 02:30 PM) E51-376
Environmental Change At The MIT Museum (to 03:00 PM) MIT Museum, N51
Introduction to Welding (to 04:00 PM) 8-014
Pleasures of Poetry (to 02:00 PM) 14E-304
Science Writing for Scientists (to 04:00 PM) 4-153
Visual Poetics of Literary Form: from Visual Poetry to Poetry Film (to 02:30 PM) 56-180
01:15 PM
Intro to Group Exercise (to 02:00 PM) Bldg. 57 fit center
02:00 PM
Aviation Accident Investigation or Agatha Christie for Engineers (to 03:00 PM) Room 33-319
03:00 PM
Effective Speaking (to 05:00 PM) 1-390
Plasma Science and Fusion Center IAP Series: Research on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) (to 04:00 AM) NW17-218
04:00 PM
Bollywood Bhangra (to 05:00 PM) Bld 57 fit center
Ceramica Botanica (to 06:30 PM) w20-431
You’re Virtually There: Info and Insights from Cambridge-MIT Exchange (CME) Students (to 05:00 PM) 1-134
04:30 PM
LineStorm Animation (to 07:30 PM) w20-427
05:00 PM
Adult CPR for the Prof. Rescuer with AED - American Red Cross (to 10:30 PM) W59
Build Your Own Loudspeakers (to 07:00 PM) TBA
IAP Choreography Class (to 07:00 PM) 50 - first floor
In Vino Veritas 2012 (to 08:00 PM) 6-104
Programming in Java (to 07:00 PM) 1-115
05:15 PM
Adult Beginning Swim - Tues/Thurs Evening (to 06:15 PM) Building W35 Pool
05:30 PM
Basic Camera and Darkroom Techniques Section 1 Workshop (to 08:30 PM) w20-429
06:00 PM
Build Your Own Electric Guitar (to 08:00 PM) W20 PDR#3
Marxism Today, 20 Years Since Its "Collapse": Reemergence of class struggle (to 08:00 PM) 6-120
06:15 PM
Adult Intermediate Swim- Tues-Thurs Evening Location unavailable
06:30 PM
Adult Efficient Freestyle- Tue/Thu Evening (to 07:15 PM) Alumni Pool
07:00 PM
Asian Bookbinding with Belle Kuo (to 09:00 PM) w20-427
Intermediate Squash (to 08:00 PM) W35- Zesiger Center
Love and Humor in Ancient India (to 09:00 PM) 4-145
MIT Hummus Experience: Hummus 101 (to 09:00 PM) W11
MIT Outing Club Winter School (to 09:00 PM) 34-101
Programming in Python (to 09:00 PM) 1-115
Round Dancing (to 08:00 PM) W20, Sala
Totally Teapot (to 10:00 PM) w20-431
Woody Allen's Neuroses and Ours: A Psychological Analysis of Woody Allen's films: Nostalgia and Fantasy as a Form of Escapism (Movie Clips: Midnight in Paris, Annie Hall, Manhattan and Radio Days) (to 08:30 PM) 4-159
non-book club - book club (n-bc-bc) (to 09:00 PM) 5-232
07:15 PM
Adult Stroke Technique- Tue/Thu Evening (to 08:15 PM) Zesiger Pool
07:45 PM
Capoeira Angola (to 09:00 PM) bldg. 57
08:00 PM
Git Will Make Your Life Better (to 10:00 PM) 4-231
Intro to Contra Dancing: Live Celtic folk music! (to 10:30 PM) Kresge Rehearsl Rm B
08:15 PM
Guitar Pedal Building (to 10:15 PM) W20 PDR #3 (W20-303)
09:30 PM
Women's Only Rec Swim (Alumni Pool) Location unavailable